
No matter what your business field is,
E- MENU is your optimal solution.

We provide a range of support services for e-commerce in several sectors, with regular updates that meet our clients’ requirements and help them grow.

Restaurants and cafes

Retail stores

Wholesale stores

Service stores

Digital product stores

Producing families (i.e., home-based businesses)

Your store with your own identity

Choose from E Menu's themes that suit you and unleash your creativity with the store designer that makes it easy for you to customise the design to fit your business identity.

Global Store

Make your store global and cross the borders of your country through E Menu's store that:

- Supports multiple languages, over 10 languages are supported.
- Is compatible with different tax systems.
- Integrates with international shipping companies.
- Integrates with secure payment services.
- Has multiple branches and sales outlets.

Global Store

Make your store global and cross the borders of your country through E Menu’s store that:

– Supports multiple languages, over 10 languages are supported.

– Is compatible with different tax systems.

– Integrates with international shipping companies.

– Integrates with secure payment services.

– Has multiple branches and sales outlets.

Safe Payments

– Integration with secure global payment gateways.

– Integration with various Arab payment gateways according to the store’s country.

– Integration with Turkish payment gateways.

Global and local shipping companies.

- Integration with global shipping companies.
- Local shipping companies.
- Local delivery companies.
- Storage companies.

Global and local shipping companies.

– Integration with global shipping companies.

– Local shipping companies.

– Local delivery companies.

– Storage companies.

Multi marketing tools

We have provided marketing tools that make it easier for you to market your products and services, helping you reach more customers and retarget current customers, such as:

– Integration with social media sales channels.

– Deals and discounts system.

– Advanced loyalty program.

– Advanced SEO tools.

– Abandoned cart management.

Cloud-based point of sale (POS) system

Our cloud-based point of sale (POS) system allows merchants to conduct sales transactions and manage their sales and inventory data from anywhere.
The system provides instant data and automatic updates, is user-friendly, and has lower costs compared to traditional POS systems.

Cloud-based point of sale (POS) system

Our cloud-based point of sale (POS) system allows merchants to conduct sales transactions and manage their sales
and inventory data from anywhere.

The system provides instant data and automatic updates, is user-friendly,
and has lower costs compared to traditional POS systems.

نظام ERP متكامل

لوريم إيبسوم(Lorem Ipsum) هو ببساطة نص شكلي (بمعنى أن الغاية هي الشكل وليس المحتوى) ويُستخدم في صناعات المطابع ودور النشر.

Clients Proud To Serve

Start sell online now for free with Emenu